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Sunday, 21 April 2013

Iberian Chiffchaff?

I popped down to see whether the Iberian Chiffchaff that Mark and Tony found at Soap Cove yesterday was still around. I bumped into this in the fading afternoon light in more or less the same place as it was first found yesterday, and managed to reel-off a few poor shots. Unfortunately, it wasn't singing (just calling like a Chiff), and I'm not entirely sure it was the same bird. It looks pretty good for Iberian, long primary projection, yellow vent, yellow for-supercillium etc, but I'd welcome any thoughts. There are some photos of the singing bird seen yesterday here (scroll down the page a bit).

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Cornish Suppression

Apparently, following the Tudor accession, the number of Cornish speakers was greatly reduced following the brutal repression of several popular uprisings when a significant proportion of the Cornish speaking population were exterminated. Only during the 20th century did Cornish undergo a significant revival. Nevertheless, the government and state education system provided no support for Cornish language learners until 2002 when the European Union granted Cornish official âminority languageâ status under Part II of the 1992 Council of Europe Charter for Regional and Minority Languages.

On a completely unrelated note, of course: here's a few photos I took in California, which explains my recent absence from the Cornish birding scene.

Lizard weather forecast

BBC weather forecast