Now that the horse has bolted, I suppose it’s safe to open the stable door or something like that. Anyway, for some time now, I’ve been keeping an eye on the pair of Blue-headed Wagtails that took up residence on Lizard Downs in late Spring. I first noticed one of them carrying food on the 15th of June. Since then, I’ve been seeing them pretty much every time I go down to the Lizard, but initially thought the nest had failed as I hadn’t seen them carry food since the beginning of July. Yesterday I stumbled across one of the fledged young though. Unfortunately the best I could manage during the time I've been watching them, was a couple of crap record shots digibinned with my phone (above). Hopefully someone will manage to get some better shots soon. Interesting that most (all?) of the recent records of breeding Yellow Wagtails in Cornwall have been flavas....